12 - 13 July, 2023, MOSUL

9th International Conference on Contemporary Information Technology and Mathematics (ICCITM)


Due to the extensive submissions received by the ICCITM-2023 that need more processing time and effort, we announce extending the ICCITM date to July 12-13, 2023.

Important announcement..

Postponing holding the 9th International Conference on Contemporary Information Technology and Mathematics ICCITM 2023

Dear respected participating researchers in the 9th International Conference on Contemporary Information Technology and Mathematics ICCITM 2023 organize by College of Computer Science and Mathematics – University of Mosul

Due to some technical issues, it was decided to postpone the conference until further notice.

Chair the Preparatory Committee for the 9th International Conference on Contemporary Information Technology and Mathematics ICCITM 2023.

Students and Tech Fair

We are delighted to announce that the Students and Tech Fair will be held alongside the ICCITM 2023 conference opening. It will include the distinguished undergraduate projects and their recent contributions in Computer Science. The Fair will also include the recently introduced tech solutions in the market including computer and network products.

About The Conference

The 9th International Conference on Contemporary Information Technology and Mathematics (ICCITM) will be held on dd1 – dd2 August 2023. This conference is sponsored by the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul in cooperation with IEEE and IEEE Iraq section. The ICCITM is an interdisciplinary conference that establishes the opportunity to introduce new research ideas by various researchers in the fields related to mathematics and computer science. The scope of the conference includes the following topics:

  • Big Data, IoT and The Cloud
  • Intelligent and Information Systems
  • Real-time, Distributed, and the Parallel Systems.
  • Computer Networks and Security.
  • Computer Vision and Image Processing
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by two or more creditable reviewers chosen from a pool of eminent researchers. Moreover, the plagiarism will be checked, and the papers that exceeds permitted percentage will be automatically returned to the authors. Each submitted papers must contain specific quality features to ensure its acceptance. The quality features are originality, applicability, correctness, novelty, tidiness, and scope relevance. We encourage you to join ICCITM which is a great chance to connect with various researchers in different fields and discover how fields related to computer science and mathematics have a great real-life impact.

Conference Tracks

Track 1

Big Data, IoT, And the Cloud

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud and grid computing for Big Data
  • IoT Edge and Cloud Architectures
  • Security and Privacy for IoT
  • Big Data Techniques, models and algorithms
  • Big Data Analytics and Social Media
  • Machine learning and IoT
  • Big Data Infrastructure and Platform
  • Fog  Computing

Track 2

Big Data, IoT, And the Cloud

  • Robotics
  • Social Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Mining
  • Software Engineering
  • Deep learning

Track 3

Real-time, Distributed, and the Parallel Systems

  • Real-time System
  • Real-time Big Data Analytics
  • Distributed Real-Time System
  • Quantum Computing
  • High-Performance Computing
  • Embedded Computing
  • Scalable Computing

Track 1

Big Data, IoT, And the Cloud

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud and grid computing for Big Data
  • IoT Edge and Cloud Architectures
  • Security and Privacy for IoT
  • Big Data Techniques, models and algorithms
  • Big Data Analytics and Social Media
  • Machine learning and IoT
  • Big Data Infrastructure and Platform
  • Fog  Computing

Track 2

Big Data, IoT, And the Cloud

  • Robotics
  • Social Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Mining
  • Software Engineering
  • Deep learning

Track 3

Real-time, Distributed, and the Parallel Systems

  • Real-time System
  • Real-time Big Data Analytics
  • Distributed Real-Time System
  • Quantum Computing
  • High-Performance Computing
  • Embedded Computing
  • Scalable Computing


Prof. Dr. Dhuha Basheer Abdullah – Conference Chair

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline:  2-6-2023
Acceptance Notification: 20-6-2023
Deadline for Camera-ready: 7-7-2023
Conference Dates: 12-7-2023 to 13-7-2023

About The Event Organizer

The College of Computer Science and Mathematics was established on 28 July 1999 containing the Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics departments. In its first year, (247) Students were accepted. The Software department was established in 2003, and the Operations Research and Intelligent Techniques department was opened in 2010 to be the first department of this specialization at the level of Iraqi public universities. This year, (608) Students were accepted, and this number is expected to increase in the next years with the rapid interest in the field of Computer Science and Mathematics.

The college enables its graduates to be ready for working in the state institutions on the edges of their scientific specializations. This is provided with abundant information on computer systems and software with potential applications to ensure rapid and accurate access to data and results. Since postgraduate studies are the most prominent indicator of the college’s engagement with its scientific specializations, all departments have founded their postgraduate studies except for the department of Operations Research and Intelligent Techniques for this academic year.

The Establishment of the Computer Science and Mathematics College at the University of Mosul came in accordance with the huge information revolutionizing the whole world. It has proceeded and still moving towards continuous modernization in order to make the information accessible to all.


Al Majmoaa Street, Mosul, Iraq Zip Code: 41002

Nineveh has a long history that dates back to the fifth millennium BC. The rich resources, fertile soil, and varied climate made it the best habitat for the old man. The first ploughing woman is Hassonah whose portrait is the oldest one discovered in a village named now after her name. In Hassonah, discovered agricultural pieces of equipment and crops depositories go back around 7500 BC. The village is 7 km from the Shoura district.

The University of Mosul is dedicated to providing an integrated academic and viable milieu for the students. The many facilities and services present at the campus are designed to work together to create an ideal atmosphere for the students to stimulate their potential and better the educational process. The aim is to enable them to improve their personal, academic and professional skills. Adopting this vision, the University of Mosul is committed to providing all the services and facilities the students need during their studies. On-campus residential facilities include health and psychosocial care centers, cafés and restaurants, sports complexes, theatres, libraries, information resources, research and computer laboratories, classrooms and more.


  1. Online Submission: The authors are requested to submit their papers via EDAS.
  2. The submitted paper MUST NOT be previously published, and not considered elsewhere for publication.
  3. The submitted paper will be a double-blind peer review.
  4. The possible decision on a paper are: Accepted, Revision (Minor or Major), or Rejected.
  5. All papers will be checked for plagiarism and the similarity check MUST NOT exceed 20%.
  6. Acceptance/Rejection of papers will be decided by the referees of the corresponding conference.
  7. The submission is electronically and the size of A4 with (.docx) format will only be considered. The paper should be NOT EXCEEDING 6 PAGES.
  8. IEEE conference templates contain guidance text for composing and formatting conference papers. Please ensure that all template text is removed from your conference paper prior to submission to the conference. Failure to remove template text from your paper may result in your paper NOT BEING PUBLISHED.
  9. IEEE template and IEEE Copyright Form can be downloaded from (IEEE-Template).
  10. Prepare your presentation based on the conference presentation template which can be downloaded from (Paper ID_Presenter Name).


The 9th International Conference on Contemporary Information Technology and Mathematics (ICCITM), July 12 – 13, 2023 in Iraq, University of Mosul, is a key meeting for the exhibition of new and research ideas and advances in information technology and mathematics.

This event is coordinated to deliver a prestigious platform for researchers, academics, and students to reveal their latest research findings with different specialists in these fields. Every submitted paper is assessed depending on these standards (accuracy, originality, research value, significance of development, and subject relevance). 

We are looking for paper related to these research areas:  Big Data, IoT, Cloud Computing, Intelligent Systems, Information Systems, Computer Networks, Distributed Systems, Parallel Systems, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Statistics, and Mathematics.

Please note the following:

  • All submitted paper will be peer-reviewed by eminent reviewers.
  • All submitted papers should show originality and unpublished results.
  • Submissions should be made via the online submission system.
  • Papers with high plagiarism rates will be returned to the authors without being peer-reviewed.
  • All submitted papers should not exceed 6 pages and should be in the IEEE paper format.
  • The publication fee for each accepted paper is 200 USD.
  • ICCITM is hybrid:
    • First day: in-person presentation.
    • Second day: online presentation.
  • All accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
  • All submitted papers should not exceed 6 pages and should be in the IEEE paper format.

Papers can be submitted through the following link: https://edas.info/N30911

All researcher 

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]